Sunday, July 16, 2017

The Yoga of Playing and Driving

Have we ever noticed why do we enjoy playing, or running or even driving for that matter? It is because we can (have to, actually, for driving) automatically  focus while doing such works and the mind is peaceful only when it has minimum number of thoughts: better if only one, which is concentrating (dhyan) only on the activity at hand, oblivious of constrainsts of time and fatigue; and best, if none (the samadhi or the orgasmic moment). Balancing in Yoga takes up so much of concentration that this state is easily achieved which is why tapasya in ancient times was done in Vrikshasan or Dhruvasana. Pleasure of driving is the pleasure of being one with the machine and control it as per will. What is not apparent is that there is at least one abstraction level still left! To feel one with the human body and able to control it. This is where Yoga comes in. The pleasure (or rather sense of calmness) will increase exponentially.