Sunday, August 2, 2020


how do we define real .. we cant .. Inception .. hence the word Satya.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Who suffers

For me to suffer, "i" need to exist.


As in life, so in pilgrimage. The trick is keep walking gradually taking every seemingly discomfort in your stride. Chareveti chareveti ...

Better to ask for power of handling of issues in life rather than asking to removal of them. Issues will always be there. Learn to handle them with grace as did the avatars.

The real test of things you love to do is that you don't feel any desire to tell others   about it.

Pilgrimage is not to find God but to know how to find God everywhere and in everything.

God will definately come to your aid, but only after you come to your own.

Soham is a transition from pratham purusha to uttam purush.

When you see an object/person, try to see the origin and ending and the futility of it all.

Keep spine erect
Be grateful
Take a pause before speak

Monday, October 15, 2018


Fear is always of the unknown. We do not fear ghosts. Its just that we don't know what they would do to us. Hence the fear.
   By extension, till the time we understand death, we will keep fearing it and will not be able to appreciate the wonderful journey that is life.
Janma sukhdam, marnam karunam.. death gives us another chance..

Tuesday, October 2, 2018


Wordliness/Modern Education is from one to many ... spirituality is from many to one.

Worldliness is developing personality, spirituality is dissolving personality.

In Bharat, we don't (used to) say "i did it", we said "it has been done (through me)".

Even in west, it used to be said "i practice enginnering for a living/livelihood" rather than "i am an engineer"

That which can be described  (vyakt) is called vyakti.

Swastha is not healthy, swastha is "established in Oneself".

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Me and mine (2 of tripurandra)

Who am I?

Body/Mind/Intellect or soul?

From childhood, we have been saying "my body".
Now, what is mine cannot be me.
So the term "my soul" is a contradiction.

In the Gita, sense organs are the horses, mind is the rein, intellect is the charioteer and i am the chariot-rider.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Looks and Kaam.

Trying to discover the inner beauty, so maintaining external appearances seems to be a futile exercise.

The face is a reminder, an alarm as it were, to the goal in life, which is experiencing the oneness in everything.

No longer driven by the urge for people to like me (based on my appearances and otherwise) for when one starts diving into oneself, the boundaries between liked and liker starts vanishing. Who likes whom, and why does it matter.

Kaam, lobha, moh (basically false identification with this body) is the reason why we maintain appearances or try to present ourselves better.

Skin-deep of beauty, inevitably decaying every day to turn into constituent elements (earth mostly) soon and progeny of Manu wasting his/her time to get attached to it. Such a waste of human life.

Let not every bump on the body deceive you.

Few seconds of bodily pleasure is a huge price to pay for eternity of bliss.

Kaam is a big hurdle but persists only till the time we can perceive the Mother Goddess herself in every woman. Yet to reach that stage but determined to do so.

The real eyes see one in everything. Where is the woman and where is the man? And if the differentiation does not exist, how could kaam affect you?